CRA Audits

We take satisfaction of what we do and take time to set up your financial systems accurately from the beginning for you to have better picture of your financial status and grow your business.

CRA Audits

From Simple Audits To More Complex Audits in Calgary, Alberta, We Have The Perfect Solution For You!

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) performs audits to ensure businesses pay the appropriate amount of taxes and receive any amounts that they are entitled to by closely examining their books and records to make sure the amounts as filed in their tax returns are accurate.

If you want your business to succeed, you need to get your financial statements in order as quickly as possible. Fahmood offers a fast, efficient, and affordable CRA Audits services in Calgary. We work with you to get your financial statements in order so that your CRA audit is performed accurately and you can focus on what makes your business successful – your customers and employees.

Fast and Efficient CRA Audits Service in Calgary, Alberta!

We’ll take the time to understand your business and identify any potential issues, so you can get the most accurate and timely information. Our team has years of experience in the field, so we can help you get your business back on track.

Are you looking for a reliable and affordable CRA Audits service in Calgary? We are a team of experts who work hard to provide the best possible service. Our team is composed of experienced and qualified accounting experts who will help you get the most out of your audits. You want to be sure that your audits are conducted with the highest level of quality and accuracy. Our team is here to help you achieve this goal. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you get the results you need!

Why Should Hire a Professional Accounting Firm for CRA Audits?

CRA audits are important for your business. Not only do they provide you with an accurate and up-to-date view of your financial position, but they also help protect your interests as a business. And while there are many accounting firms that offer CRA audits, the best ones are those that have been in business for a long time and have developed relationships with many of the biggest accounting organizations in the world.

Here are five reasons why you should work with a professional accounting firm for CRA audits: 1. They have the experience and knowledge to handle your specific needs. 2. They are able to provide you with accurate and timely reports. 3. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help you with every step of your audit process. 4. They have a wide range of services that they can offer, including bookkeeping, taxation, and financial analysis. 5. They are always available to answer any questions you may have about your CRA needs.


